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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Things I Love Thursdays!

It's Thursday!! That means one day closer to the weekend, it's almost Halloween, Ga/Fl is THIS WEEKEND and I get to tell you about what I love this week :)

While I tried to think of things for a Ga/Fl themed T.I.L.T I couldn't really narrow it down....I mean between the football, the food, the drinks, the beach and of course the adorable dresses there were just too many I decided to stick with 3 things I've been enjoying lately.

The number 1 thing this week is Pumpkin frozen yogurt! I enjoyed this little treat last night (but of course I forgot to take a picture) and it was just so tasty! I added whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon to make it taste like fall. I think adding some kind of graham cracker (like in the picture below) would have made it even more delicious!
(Photo from

Another's nonfat! Well before whatever scrumptious toppings you add :) 

The second thing I love this week is The Help by Katherine Stockett. I know everyone has heard about this book and maybe even seen the movie....but I've been a little behind in my book reading. When I was getting ready for our D.C. trip a few weeks ago I knew I needed a book for the plane and after hearing all these great things about The Help I picked it up. 
(Photo from
The book definitely lived up to the hype. I was constantly reading it trying to get to the end so I could see how it all turned out...and I was not disappointed....the story has a great ending. Now I just have to see the movie! 

Alright thing number 3! This thing is also a book, or I guess books. I read this series this past winter and when I was thinking about things that I love and I thought about The Help it made me think about other books that I really enjoyed reading. I automatically thought about this series by Nora Roberts.
(Photo from
It's called the Bride Quartet series, and I'm sure I was drawn to it at the time because I was planning a wedding, but I think it's a great series for anyone. I read the third book first because it's what they had at the airport when I was picking a book, but if you read them in order then you won't ruin the surprise for yourself. 

So there you have it that's this week's T.I.L.T....not so much filled with football but hopefully still enjoyable! 

Oh and here's a link just for you Chris...hope this answers your questions 

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