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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Things I Love Thursdays!

Instead of making a post every two seconds about finding something I love and want to share I figured I'd give it a dedicated day! So the "things" may be recipes, craft ideas, decorations, or other random thoughts. Today there are three things I lOvE!!

First is using an old rake as decoration or as an organizational tool....or both! I stumbled upon this idea while cruising around Etsy. We've actually had it in our house for about a month or so and I think it looks great!! We're using it to hold jackets or hats or whatever would've ended up on the floor if we didn't have our handy rake to hold them :) I've also seen people use rakes to hold jewelry or as a key rack...I've also seen them used to hold wine glasses!!

There are a few for sale on Etsy right now but I'm sure if you rummage around your local junk store you might get lucky!! Here's ours!!!!

Next thing!! It's in my genes to use old things around the house as decor so it's no surprise that I love these little guys!!

They're actually old architectural stars that I picked up a few years ago while I was vacationing with my family in one of the most wonderful places, Apalachicola, FL. The store where I got them is called The Tin Shed. They've got a great website and will even ship some of their items to you, but if you can I'd visit in person :)

However, if you really love the stars, like I do, you could probably find them online. I found a few on Etsy, of course, but they were painted....which isn't bad but it just depends on what you like. You could use the stars to hang on the wall or maybe under a candle or just place them around anywhere! One thing that really helps though is to put round felt pads on the ends of each point...this just helps protect your walls or furniture.

Alrighty...last thing! We all love coffee I'm sure, but it's expensive and you don't always want to leave your house to drive and go get it. That's why I love cafe mocha kcups for the Keurig!

We got our Keurig as a wedding gift and we love it! I'm addicted to Starbucks mochas, and while the mocha kcup isn't nearly as strong it's a great alternative for your home. I would have loved to have one in college since those single serve instant coffee packets weren't really that tasty. They make smaller less expensive keurigs so there might be one in your budget. I'm also looking forward to trying the pumpkin spice kcups!!! Yumm!!!!

Hope you enjoyed the first T.I.L.T! I'm going to put up my dry erase board DIY tomorrow. Happy Thursday!!!!

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